My best concert

 It was the second concert of my favourite band in Santiago, Chile: Lovely Mocochang (aka LM.C). They played their 6th album launched in 2012 Strong Pop. When they arrived to Chile, we go to the airport to receive them with the fan club and, sneaking up behind of they, we follow them to the hotel. 

In that time, i managed to get a space to sell japanese snacks in the pre concert with my girlfriend thanks to a friend that works with the organizers, so, we didn´t bouht the tickets for entry, but we had to cook the launch to all the staff. The night before of the concert, we almost didn´t sleep cooking and packaging onigiris, sushis, dangos, ichigo daifukus, and strawberry cake, so i was tired, anyway, i took a good position in the beggining of the concert, because all the people must left the room when the pre concert ends and the concert was going to start, and obviously, because we work there we can stay inside and going to the first line.

When the concert start, the lights turned off, the music plays, and all was fun with the beautiful voice of Maya, the powerful bass of Aiji and the funny dance of Genki man for 2 hours. After the concert, i took the hand of Maya and Aiji in the meet & green before of dissamble my stand. A good anecdote that i can remember was that in the last time, our friend ask us for something to eat because the staff was exhausted ... the funny fact was that we gave the rest of strawberry cake pieces to the staff and Maya and Aiji ate them too, and they loved it.


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