A man that i admire

I´m not consider that the inspiration comes from a single source, each people have at least 2 or more people to admire. In that sense, is very hard to me choose a character that i admire, since i can tell you several of them. Any way, if a must choose one, probably will be this man.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, widely considered as father of modern chemistry, was a french chemist, biologist and nobleman born in the middle of 18th century, few decades before of the french revolution.

His most valuable feats was discovery of the law of conservation of mass (or
better said, he proved it experimentally) discard the flogist theory, identified the elements related in the combustion reaction (oxygen and hydrogen), collaborate in the construction of metric system, reform chemical nomenclature (give us the traditional nomenclature of compounds).

I like him because, in some way, his work start the development of the modern chemistry and all its implications (if we can measure a quantity in a reaction, knowing the law of conservation of mass, we can understand or theorize about things like performance reaction, reactivity, mass decay, and others). Without him, probably the science had taken more time to reach that score. In other side, if he had not been guillotined, who knows what other wonderful discoveries we didn´t lost in that century.


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