Evaluation of my blog experience

The time has come, and finally, after an almost endless test period, with a high level of anxiety, stress and fatigue in my veins, i feel that i can rest for a moment while i contemplate i have done this last week, month and semester.

I will lie if i say that all this process was nice, between think about what i must write in this space or spend time trying to write with the correct grammar, while my brain feeling the pressure of the next test of organic chemistry in the morning of each friday, or the accumulated tiredness before a week worried about my family problems and academic charge, isn´t that this experience was the best way for me. In the middle of this semester, i must confess that this subject was not my priority, but, occasionally i enjoy with the topics development here, especially with the pets post.

With the past of weeks, although i´m not the best guy writing in this language, i have been able to gain confidence to write here and learn with the practice. Certainly, my vocabulary is more extensive that half year ago, and my reading speed too.

If someone ask me what i like to include in the future, i wouldn´t be what answer, but add quizzes or surveys about science topics or tv shows will be fun. Also, i think it would be fun to write about our favorite tv shows or memories when we were children.

So, the time will tell which the next step will be, it was a pleasure share these little fragments of my life, good bye.


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