The most enjoyable subject

My favourite subject is organic chemistry I, at least for now. It is common course between the 4 careers in the faculty, with an approximate inscription of 250 students and 4 guide teachers.

In class, we study about nomenclature, structure, physical and chemical properties, stability, reactivity, synthesis and uses of organic compounds; is a base to understand the chemistry  around the biochemical pathways and its implicance in homeostasis and disease, synthesis and manufacture of drugs, food or materials.

I have fun with it becouse i can learn not only about chemical structure of certain substances, also it gives me tools to understand stability, reactivity, uses and synthesis methods of organic compounds to apply in my career, and perhaps, who knows, investigate. For all this, i consider this subject very interesting.

The classses are mostly theoretical, but that doesn´t mean that this subject, in particular, don´t have implications on practical subjetcs, like organic chemystry labs, where you must implement all the knowledge acquiered about structure, polarity, solubility, stability, reactivity and other topics previously learned in  organic chemistry I, general chemistry I & II and chemical lab techniques.

Even if not all the teachers are available to answer questions about exercices or contents, some helpers do the job. 


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